Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Controversy of Bishop E. Bernard Jordan

Wednesday's communication (3/5/08) sponsored by Inner Flames Press (The Hidden and the Revealed) shared the idea that we are all living at a historic time. A shift in human consciousness is occurring. We are moving away from materialism toward a greater expression of spirituality.

Evidence of this shift completely surrounds us. As the Master taught, let those with eyes to see perceive the flowering of a new day.

Last year a charismatic young man named Bishop E. Bernard Jordan published an interesting book entitled The Laws of Thinking (Hay House, February 2007.) Using a conversational-style reminiscent of the Prophetess Juanita Bynum, Jordan presents his complex (and sometimes shocking) ideas in an easy to read format. He is the author of over 40 books, a speaker in high demand and the prodigy of New York's famous Rev Ike.

Dr. Aaron D. Lewis writes the book's introduction. He presents the old thinking Bishop Jordan promises the book will liberate Readers from. Lewis writes, "Being a third-generation child of the Pentecostal heritage I distinctly remember pastors strictly forbidding members to visit certain churches within our denomination, fearing that we might not come back. . . .Also, I remember how the same pastors encouraged us to read the Bible only, claiming that other books would contaminate our mind and spirit, rendering us worthless in the sight of God. . . .Most parishioners acquiesced and remained ignorant." (Jordan, The Laws of Thinking, pg. xvii)

Contrary to the limited belief systems of those preachers, Jordan promises to share with his Readers knowledge that will "rock your world. It's mind-blowing and perception-enhancing, and not everyone will be able to handle it. In fact, I'd say that the majority of Christians cannot handle the ideas in The Laws of Thinking." (pg. xvii)

So what are those ideas?

They all arise from the hot bed of controversy.

Inside the 20 chapters Jordan composed are some of the most shocking sentences I have ever read come from the pen of a minister claiming faith in the salvation work of the Lord Jesus Christ! I imagine the church Fathers who attended the Nicene Council and wrote the Apostle's Creed turning over in their graves. I am amazed Jordan receives speaking engagement by Bible-believing churches.

Echoing the Ancient World's belief that humanity and the Almighty share the same essence, Jordan thunders with authority, "When you declare 'I Am,' You become God. Ignorant minds will look at that statement and call it blasphemy, but that is only because they do not truly understand the nature of the relationship between God and man." (pg. 3) emphasis mine

Please allow me to repeat that idea. "You are god. But when you think about it, is it really so far-fetched?"

Bishop Jordan continues with one controversial paragraph after another.

"You are already at one with God. Separation from God does not exist. Everything is within the Infinite Mind. The only separation from God exists in your mind. That is the only sin in the world." (pg. 19-20)

"There is no such thing as evil. There is only the lack of awareness of God. You create the only evil there is when you choose to walk a path that rejects the good in you and rejects the calling from God to express His Spirit in the world." (pg. 44) emphasis mine

Such ideas are more comfortable coming out of the mouth of a so-called New Age, or New Thought, philosopher, not a Christian minister.

Personally, I applaud Bishop E. Bernard Jordan for the courage he expressed through the pages of this book. I disagree with some of his ungrounded speculations in the later chapters, but he blows the trumpet the Master gives any Believer in John 10:33-36 with fierceness!

"The Jews said to him [the Master], It is not because of the good works we stone you, but because you blaspheme; for while you are only a man, you make yourself God.

"Jesus said to them, Is it not so written in your law, I said, you are gods? (See Psalms 82:6)

"If he [King David] called them gods because the word of God was with them (and the scripture cannot be broken)

"Why to the one whom the Father sanctified and sent to the world, do you say, I am the Son of God."

From: The Holy Bible: George M. Lamsa's Translation from the Aramaic of the Peshitta; originally presented to the West in 1933

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Make Flesh Your Desires - The Law of Increase (Pt. 1)

In this communication we advance our theme to give you practical information that you can use RIGHT NOW to improve your life. Increase is something we all desire. Here is the LAW OF INCREASE!

Achieving that elusive "thing" called success is a step-by-step process by which you convert your emotional desires into material objects, events or experiences. It is a simple process. It is one we at Inner Flames Press believe can be made to order.

Yes, made to order.

In fact, we believe this guarantee is the essence of the Gospel; it empowers ordinary men and women to utilize their latent internal powers to dramatically improve their lives.

In this communication we drink deeply from American success literature to give you the tools you need right now to make flesh your innermost desires.

Our source for eight hard and fast rules is the world-renown Catherine Ponder. She is most famous for "The Millionaires of the Bible" series. Using a conversational tone she extracts the ancient "secrets" of Moses, Joshua and the Master, Jesus for modern Readers to employ and improve their own financial storehouses.

Success comes in many forms, but none more readily enjoyed than monetary resources. In our society we use money to acquire the "things" we require in this life: such as food, clothing and shelter. Money is not power, but the people who trade money for goods and services do possess power. Through her fourteen books and international ministry, Ponder has helped thousands of people enjoy the fruit of their labor more abundantly.

Here are the eight hard and fast rules toward a more prosperous future.

1) Identify someone you admire and imitate them. It doesn't matter if the person is alive or not, fact or fiction. What matters is that you see yourself reflected in that person.

Motivational speaker Anthony Robbins has counselled people for years concerning the potent power of modeling. (It is an echo of Napoleon Hill's advice.) Find a successful person in your chosen field of endeavor, then learn how to think like they think. Act like they act. See the world the same way they see the world. Approach life the same way they approach life and you will get the same results they do.

The point is not to become the person you admire, but to color your subconscious mind with their success-orientated thoughts and behaviors. Since your subconscious mind never sleeps, this technique is extremely powerful. It's results are well documented int he annuals of American business. Ask Denzel Washington, who admires Clint Eastwood, if you possess any doubts.

2) Put your Faith into Universal Principles. This is a critical point that requires emphasis. As Americans we are bombarded by clever sales pitches. Commercials abound with the latest, most scientific method to achieve this or that. We counsel you to not be fooled by such gimmicks. Success principles are tried and tested, simple to apply to everyday life.

Universal Principles are similar to the classic Western definition of God: the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. They work anywhere, by anyone. They are not a respector of persons or religious systems. Principles do not care if you ascribe to being a Buddhist, Muslim or Rastarfarian. Principles only care if you use them or not.

As Ponder writes in her 1983 book Dare to Prosper, "These prosperity methods are recession-depression-and-inflation proof, so that you will enjoy using them often!" (pg. ix)

3) Create a vacuum to receive. It is an oft-stated proverb that the Universe abhors a vacuum. This is a basic scientific law. It appears as if the Universe wants to be everywhere at all times. (Again, this echoes the Western definition of God.)

We can use this Principle to our benefit. We can consciously create vacuums in two ways: mentally and physically - in that order. Mentally we can form a vacuum by "cleaning out of your mind, negative, limited, unforgiving thoughts." (pg. 3) Physically, we move things our of our space. "Do not retain items of clothing, furniture, letters, files, books or any other personal possessions that you no longer need to use. Get them out of the way to make room for what you do want." (pg. 5)

4) Make plain your desire. This is the hardest of the Priniciples to use because you cannot fool yourself or the Father. Nothing mechanical here. Whatever you truly conceive prosperity to be will come forth. It becomes extremely important that you become clear on what you desire. Be specific. Very specific.

"Your deep-seated desires are God's good tapping at the door of your mind. Furthermore, write down dates by which you wish your desired good to be accomplished. You will be amazed at how the substance of heaven and earth will hasten to do your bidding when you give it definite desires and dates through which to work out good results." (pg. 10)