Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Fundamentalism is DEAD!

Without pretense - without employing the intellectual arrogance of High Academia - yet, adhering to the standards of Truth and Integrity, we here at Inner Flames Press will continue our tradition of presenting controversial, high quality information to our Readers over the next several weeks.

Look for THE LAW OF INCREASE. It can transform your LIFE.

Some, who have grown used to us and welcome the penetrating level of criticism we bring to spiritual matters, will think nothing of our new series of articles. Others will be shocked. A few ill choose to attack us. To all three groups we say in advance: THANK YOU. Please leave comments!

Our goal, as always, is to make plain the Mystery of the Gospel. In direct imitation of the Master (Jesus of Nazareth), we wish to reveal the Mysteries of the Father to the babes and the suckling. We believe it is only as the 1) least among us reach mastery over the base natures, 2) consciously learn how to direct Thoughts and Emotions along the Creative Process and 3) become aware of the Holy Spirit, which is ever striving to "connect" the human instrument (being) to the Divine Mind, will "civilization" reach the heights the Father intends.

Towards this end, we promoted this position during 2007 via an email campaign. Specifically, we communicated the following ideas: You Are a Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience and Thoughts and Emotions = The Events, Experiences and Things That Enter Your Life.

Although the email campaign was successful, rapidly growing from 12 email addresses to 572, we received ambitions to grow beyond the limitations of an email campaign. However, experimentations with cyberspace did not bear fruit until now. We look forward to INCREASE for the services we provide.

The purpose of Inner Flames Press is to promote a world-wide paradigm shift within the Christian mentality. FUNDAMENTALISM IS DEAD! Whether it rears its head as a radical Islamic jihad or the destruction of an abortion clinic, the expression of a rigid belief system that seeks to impose its conception of God onto unwilling people is WRONG! It is intolerable no matter what religious form it manifests as: Islamic or Christian - communist or democratic. An intellectual alternative to fundamentalism must arise and lead the World away form FEAR and VIOLENCE.

For this position, we here at Inner Flames Press are "controversial." We do not blindly ascribe to doctrine or dogma based on "faith," completely devoid of clear intellectual supports. We believe, like the famed African American theologian, James Cone, that we should worship the Father with our minds and our hearts. Pure emotionalism is dangerous! It must be balanced by fluid intellectual discourse and keen questioning of methods.

We are controversial solely because we are not yet endorsed by any mainstream organization. Our ideas are NOT controversial because they lack historical or philosophical proofs. In fact, the ideas we present are common fare for seminary students. The majority of college-trained ministers are well-aware of the "controversial" ideas we present and choose not to share them with their congregations.

Remaining true to our mission, in 2008 Inner Flames Press will focus on the key idea the Master presented to the oppressed peasants of First Century Palestine: It is done unto you as you believe.

Thank you for reading these few words. May you remain open to the Blessings of the Father. Selah.

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